


foobar - it does stuff


foobar [OPTION]...[THING TO DO]...


Quantics systems will use quantum hardware, if suitable, while license files can be found, to increase the probability of THING TO DO occuring. The actual effectiveness of the amount of entanglement Qualtics hardware can produce outside of the favorable environment maintained inside the CPU unit is extremely low, and appreciable changes to probability are only possible where the energy to overcome uncertainty is low. You cannot calculate the resistance of any action to external influences on probability until after it has been overcome. foobar has a Kuo-MacDonald score of 0.001 mQ. That is, the percentage difference in actual fair coin toss results is moved 1 for every one million qbits. Note that the qbits in your hardware that are not currently either set in a particular state by another qbit, or required to set another qbit´s state are a fraction of total available. The size of a cluster that has an appreciable body of free qbits guarunteed at a particular time is very large.


Use all available free qbits instead of a fixed number. Cannot be used in research as all known methods to calculate resistance due to uncertainty require a fixed influence. We had fun playing with coin flips and buttered toast in the lab with this option, as you get a noticible effect to human perception in low consequence very random events.


Number of qbits you wish guarunteed for THING TO DO. Default is to set automatically by analyzing current CPU activity for 50ms and selecting a number of qbits low enough that there is five nines reliability those qbits will remain free for the next 60 minutes.


Time to test before start if QBITS specified with -n can be guarunteed free for one hour at five nines. Default is 50ms


Permissive; if the qbits requeted by -n cannot be guarunteed, proceed anyway with warning to stderr instead of aborting.


Strict; strict parsing of natural language for THING TO DO.


Written by Karl Fredricks and Donna White, with special thanks to Dr. Johanna Greene of ISU.


As foobar is not part of any HelloWorldSoft UNIX software package, it is subject to the same best effort support as all our ftp distributed software. Any enterprise support package purchased with a HelloWorldSoft license doesn’t apply. foobar is distributed for free as free software by the authors, who may choose to answer questions or accept patches.


Copyright © HelloWorldSoft 2055
License BSD 2-clause. Full license text available in source tarball.